22 Best Exercises to Sculpt Your Core

The good news is that you can significantly improve your abs (or any part of your body) in just two weeks. The bad news is that it doesn’t come without sacrifice, but you already knew that, right? Theodore Roosevelt said it best when he said, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…” We get it Teddy, no pain-no gain.

I never gave diet much thought, actually that’s a lie, every woman has given diet much thought! What I mean is that I never really took into account how a single meal could make me look significantly better or worse until I was talking to my good friend, nationally ranked figure competitor, Tara Zito. She was describing how after her “cheat” meal she looks 3 months pregnant. If one meal could convert her perfect physique to second trimester roundness, then what effect is one meal having on me? The truth is a lot, especially if that meal is heavy with salt and carbohydrates.

Two weeks doesn’t feel like a ton of time but it’s 42-70 meals and 7 intense workouts! Think about this, if you train each body part once a week, it would take nearly 2 months to get 7 good workouts in. But if you want sculpted abs in a hurry, you can compress that 2 months into two weeks by training your abs every other day, following a strict diet plan, and eliminating bloat

See More At  22 Best Exercises to Sculpt Your Core
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